Bettina Moras

Bettina Moras

* 1975 Freiberg / Saxony


Stages • 1994-1999 Master's degree in Romance Studies, German Studies and History at the TU Dresden, 1996-1997 study stay in Pisa, 1998-1999 study stay in Grenoble, drawing and nude studies at the École des Beaux Arts Grenoble, 2000 enrolment at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma, painting class of Prof. Andrea Volo, 2005 study stay at the Academy of Fine Arts Dresden, painting class Prof. Ral Kerbach, 2006 diploma at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma, since then freelance artist in Berlin and Rome 


Awards • 2009 Art Promotion Prize of the City of Freiberg (Saxony), work scholarship "Pleinair Landschaftsmalerei" at Jagdschloß Prillwitz 


Exhibitions • solo and group exhibitions in galleries and museums in Italy, Munich, Dresden, Duisburg, Berlin, Postdam, Hagen etc.


Aus Berlin : Pavel Feinstein, Johannes Grützke, Johannes Heisig, Lilli Hill, Torsten Holtz, Andreas Leißner, Bettina Moras, Heike Ruschmeyer, Michael Sowa, Volker Stelzmann ; Osthaus Museum Hagen 26. Februar bis 22. April 2012 / Hrsg. von Tayfun Belgin. Mit Beitr. von Gerhard Charles Rump und Manfred Schwarz. [Kurator: Tayfun Belgin in Zusammenarbeit mit Klaus Kiefer, Galerie KK, Essen]. - Hagen : Osthaus Museum, 2012. - 142 S.,  überw. Abb., 20,00